January 1, 2025
Re: Stewardship - "In Pursuit of Greater: Maximizing God's Blessings For His Glory" & Commitment Sunday January 26, 2025
Dear Church members, family and friends,
Over this past year at St. Paul AME Church we faithfully gathered for worship through in- church and/or live- streaming services, we have continued to engage our weekly worship services through song, word and prayer, Sunday School, mid-week Bible Study and monthly ministry fellowship gatherings. Even amongst these good things, there is room for growth, and improvement.
To that end, our annual vision is, “In Pursuit of Greater: Maximizing God's Blessing for the Glory of God.” Jesus promised we would do “greater works” than himself, for the glory of God. (John 14:12).
One aspect of "Greater Works" involves proper stewardship. At its heart, stewardship is not just about money. Certainly, we need financial support if we are to maintain and continue our ministries at St. Paul. But stewardship is so much more; it is about using all the blessings God has given us and sharing our blessings with others. Our blessings include our time, talent and treasures, with the church.
This year we will continue to engage in conversations about gifts of the spirit and how these particular gifts inform our giving and sharing here at St. Paul AME Church.
Good things are happening at St. Paul, even amidst difficult circumstances, and your generous giving allows us to have a vital ministry for our members, and for those beyond our doors.
Our Vision, "In Pursuit of Greater: Maximizing God's Blessings for His Glory", reminds us that financial support in the form of a pledge to the Operating Budget and/or Building Fund, is an essential component of our ability to carry out the work of the church for God's glory.
Maximizing all God has blessed us with brings purpose, passion, and proper priorities to the life and ministries of the church. As we maximize God's blessings we will do greater works and achieve greater goals, which will bless our current members and beyond our church doors with relevant ministry.
Let's all strive to make the most of what God has given us as we rejuvenate this church and impact our neighbors. Because of your past generous and faithful gifts, our church was able to continue with our ministries both inside and outside our church walls.
As we begin this year's Stewardship campaign, we hope that we can count on your support again. Included with this letter is a pledge form for 2025.
Please prayerfully consider the financial amount you will pledge so that St. Paul AME can continue to share God's blessings and make a positive difference in the lives of everyone in our community and beyond.
We ask that you return you pledge form by “Commitment Sunday,” on Sunday, January
26, 2025. The pledge period will be from January 26, 2025-August 26, 2025. Further, the Celebration Service to honor those who kept their vows and funded their pledges, will be on Sunday August 31, 2025.
Your signed pledge form can be emailed to admin@stpaulameglencoe.org or mailed to St. Paul AME Church at:
St. Paul AME Church
336 Washington Avenue
Glencoe, IL 60022
Church, Attention: Effie Rankin, Steward Pro Tem/Treasurer
Pastor Celona D. Hayes Adebayo
St. Paul AME Church
336 Washington Avenue
Glencoe, IL 60022 847-835-4421-church phone 312-237-0586-pastor’s cell
Eff. date: 1/01/2025